Microsoft Dynamics AX Setup
BASE Component Installation:
Before starting we need to complete the pre-request
Check all things are enabled like in the below screen…
Installing Database:-
Login in data base server click on AX setup file…and check Database(Microsoft SQL Server)
Server Name – Database server Host Name
Database Name – Optional(Eg:DEMO-DB)
After completing, go for SQL Management Studio and check whether DEMO-DB is created in the Data Base.(Reconnect your Data Base Once then only new data base [DEMO-DB] will get update)
Installation of Application Files:-
Login in AOS Server click on AX setup file…and check Application Files
Application Instance Name – Optional Name(Eg:APPL-DEMO)
Click on None
Installation of AOS Instance:-
Master login access:
Before starting AOS installation we need to provide following permission to “AOS Dedicated user Account” [AOS.Admin] in the Data Base Server as follows:
Login in Data Base Server
Assign the user to the db_ddladmin, db_datareader, and db_datawriter database roles.
In SQL Server Management Studioàselect the necessary data base(DEMO-DB)àsecurityàuser
Add AOS.Admin in the user list.
Grant the user execute rights on the createserversessions and createusersessions
stored procedures.This can be done as follows:
Now login in AOS server and start installing AOS:
After installing, wait until the service gets start
Upgrading to roleup-6
Keep the respective service in stop mode whenever you are doing rollup/uninstallation..
1st Stop the DEMO-INST service
Install sp1
First complete the rollup for application files then go for AOS.(But here it is not followed )
SP1 for Application (DEMO-INST)
Here in above fig it is not showing the demo instance so we need to change the path of the demo instance as follows:
Copy the Application (App-demo)instance (ie; from installation path [50/Server/application/appl.]) to 50/application/appl.
Go to administrative toolsàAX Server configuration utilityàmanageàcreate configurationàoriginal utilityàDEMO-SRVCONG
Change the application file location and select the specific instance (APPL-DEMO) [As mentioned below]
SP1 is completed. Now upgrade to rollup 6
Rollup 6 for application:
Rollup 6 for AOS:
Once again click setup for Rollup 6
Start the service for demo.
AOS Version Checking:-
Go to following path:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\50\Server\Server\Server\DEMO-INST\Bin
Search for AX32serv.exeàpropertiesàDetails
GLS Installation:
Need For Indian language.
Client Installation:-
Turn on windows feature for .Net frame package
.Net 4 full installation
Pre-request for SQL
Go for manageàoriginal àselect necessary server name, instance you want to compile and port number. Then open AX it’ll automatically go for compilation. Click on compile application.